Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Dear Frustration,

I'm in the process of cleaning my room.  Funny, I have been all of December.  It seems like every other day I have a basket full of old clothes, collectibles, shoes....junk...that I set outside my door for my mom to go through and either keep for herself, throw away or give away to the blind.  Today I've been going through lots of papers (receipts, mail, bills, etc.) and came across a "letter" I wrote a while back.  I won't say when.  I say "letter" because it's not your standard letter.  It's not meant to be delivered to or read by who it's written for.  It's a MY-eyes-only letter.  Whenever I'm overloaded with thoughts/feelings/emotions about someone I tend to write them a "letter" that says everything I've been wanting to say, but either don't have the courage to, or I feel it's just too honest for the person handle.  It helps me vent, release, let go, breathe again.  I tend to analyze things, then analyze that analyzation...which is too much for my brain to deal with.  I get overwhelmed and confused and I lose track of myself, so these "letters" are very necessary.  One of my resolutions is to keep a journal that is only meant for this purpose.  It makes me nervous to think of anyone ever reading it.


Finding this particular 5-page letter just showed me how important my "letter" writing really is.  I have a terrible memory, and I had forgotten about all these feelings I had for this certain person.  It's so amazing how much we change over time.  It's funny how when we're in the moment of things, when we're caught up with some big issue or dilemma, we have tunnel vision.  We can't get perspective because we're too much involved.  We need an outsider's point of view and opinion to help see straight again.  Well, it's weird how now I am that outsider for my previous self.  And in reading this I'm thinking "Wow, I'm soooo glad I never gave this to him, or told him how I felt."  Because...I in no way feel the same anymore.    

It begins...

"Dear ____, I'm so frusterated with you right now.  I can't stop thinking about..."  

"I'm very over-protective of my heart..."  

"I remember that while you were getting ready the next morning for work (taking a shower) I sat in your living room and stared at your door thinking, 'I could go.  Should I go?  I want to go.  I could just grab my bag and walk right out the door and never look back.  I'm sure there are taxi cabs around this early that could take me back.'  I seriously considered bailing!  It's one of my many defense mechanisms; escaping."

I like change.  I like that I no longer have these thoughts.  I like that I'm already stronger than I was when I wrote this.  I like that I write things down so that future Misty can learn from her past...and remember.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Snow Day in action

This is MY first run down the hill on my inner tube.  I hit a large, hard lump of snow with my bum....and stopped.  OW.  I didn't even notice that the tube popped until my friend Alain pointed it out.
Alain takes a turn.  When there's about 51 seconds left, he uses his arms to try and slow himself down, which results in him "hyper-extending" his arm  and bringing us our first but minor injury.

My last turn down.  I started higher up the hill.  It took me a while to get the courage to go looks a lot higher up when you're there.  Notice how Alain says "I'll stop you if you're gonna hit the shed" and as I head down he says "You're fine, you're fine..oh're NOT fine!"  haha..that's when i HIT the shed.  Could have been ugly.

My man...made out of snow, man

Yesterday, I added "BUILD A SNOWMAN" to my life list.  So today...
I did!!!

 His name is Charles or "Chuck" and  he's perfect.  I think I had a smile on my face the entire time I was putting him together.  When it was time to go, we took his scarf, beanie and gloves...and left him his shades.  I'm hoping he brought smiles to other snow day goers after us.  Actually, I know he did =)  We also inner tubed down a snowy hill a few times.  What a good day.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Inspire. Dream. Live

This is a class assignment I had in the spring of 2007 at SDSU; create a reliquary that pays devotion to a subject of your choice.  What I came up with is not visually complicated and doesn't hold many doesn't need to.  However, to me, it's purpose is powerful.  My project was the only one in class that could be used in some and well into the future.  All others were simply a shrine where mostly a collage of pictures were displayed.  I try to think outside of the box...and that's exactly what the thoughts and ideas inside this box do; take you outside of the box (to another a salsa class...)!

Ok here's the deal:  There are 3 small boxes inside the reliquary...3 different steps.  The one on the left (step 1) reads "I.N.S.P.I.R.E." on the  lid (Invigorate. Notion. Stimulate. Provoke. Influence. Reassure. Excite).  Inside the box are pieces of colored chalk and strips of paper that have some of my favorite quotes (that DO what all of those words in the above parenthesis intend).  Here are some examples:
"Just can't live that negative way... make way for the positive day!" -Bob Marley
"Excuses are the nails used to build a house of failure." -Don Wilder
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling but in rising every time we fall." -Confucius 
There are also blank papers for me to continue to find "Inspiring" quotes.  These quotes then get written on the chalkboard for me to see everyday!

The center box (step 2) reads "D.R.E.A.M." (Desire. Reflect. Envision. Aspire. Meaning).  This box also contains strips of paper for me to write down all of my goals!  Anything and everything that I ___(insert word from above parenthesis here)__.  Crazy thing is..I haven't looked in this box since I made it one year ago!  Here are SOME of my goals that I wrote down (all dated on May 14, 2007) no particular order:
* Learn to speak Spanish fluently  (still working on this...)
*Pay off credit card debt
*Learn to surf   (done!  I took a class in SD)
*Visit family in Mexico
*Be a mother...a good one
*Buy a laptop
*Help build a house
*Lose 20 lbs.  (i'm halfway there...lost 10)
*Get married
*Swim with dolphins  (not quite..swam with sharks)
*Whiten my teeth  (done!)
I've got PLENTY more goals to add to this box...  SOME i'm adding are:
*Sing karaoke
*Design AND get my key tattoo
*Run a half-marathon
*Run a full-marathon
*Read a new book each month
*Build a snowman
*Go on a cruise
*Go to a professional football game (Go Chargers)
*Knit a scarf..after learning how
*Milk a cow
*Wear a bikini on a crowded beach..and feel beautiful doing it

The box on the right (step 3) reads "L.I.V.E." (Love. Implement. Vow. Experience).  This box originally began empty...and its purpose is to collect all of the goals from the middle box that I have completed/accomplished!  It's not empty anymore...still has a ways to go before it's full.

The color scheme was chosen to honor Bob Marley and his music.  Reggae tends to calm me and create an atmosphere that helps my creativity flow.  His message of one love has touched and inspired thousands.  If a man such as Bob, who's faced many obstacles and negativity growing up, can overcome and can can anyone.

This reliquary is a major part of my "Refine 2009" plan.  After a year of it going unused, I have finally been motivated to take it out of the garage and give it a proper place in my bedroom where I can take full advantage of it. 

These trees!

Have you seen them?
No, really...have you taken a second look...a third?

A staring contest?!
I haven't been able to take a drive lately without pulling over to snap a photo of all the pretty colors :) 
I guess this falls under the whole "stop to smell the roses" deal.
I'd LOVE to have a tree like this in my front yard.
I love all 4 seasons like I'd love all 4 of my kids (if I had kids)...each one brings something unique and amazing into our lives...I can't possibly love one more than another.

Life is like a box of chocolates... never know what you're gonna get.

Hmmm....guess that goes for a dozen eggs as well??  :)

You know you're going to have an interesting day when it starts off like this!  I giggled quite a few times while making these :)  and a few more while eating them...  

Actually, these eggs are maybe a week old...came straight from some chickens that I just met the other day.  How cool is that?

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Verbal Sunshine

I edited this Post.

I occasionally get compliments over the internet and here's what I think about it...after reading them:

Loving this, right??  Yeah, it made me smile...yeah, i'm flattered...and yeah, it made my day...but at the same time I was thinking, "why is it that I only get compliments like these via email messages from strangers??"

I also can't help but wonder how many other ladies are sent the same or very similar message?...also, I wonder if these guys ever compliment girls in person...or if they only have the courage to do it at a computer screen that is miles away from the recipient???

I guess what I'm getting at is this...I like compliments, who doesn't?!  BUT, it's very important to me to know that they are genuine and from the heart.  I can't stand meaningless compliments and "lines" if you will...from guys...that have been recycled and reused on every girl they come across...until one actually takes the bait.  If it's not REAL, i'd rather not get one at all.  

"I hate careless flattery, the kind that exhausts you in your effort to believe it."  ~Wilson Mizner

As Dr. Seuss' Horton would say, "mean what you say and say what you mean."  Am I overanalyzing again??  Yes.

The upside is that I'm inspired: I vow to make a conscious effort to pay a heartfelt compliment to someone every a friend, a family member, co-worker, complete stranger.  

My Sentiments Exact

These words do not belong to ME...but I admit I marvel over the exact mystery. I think it's comforting to know that the human experience is a shared many souls are connected through common emotions and similar trials  Whenever I'm faced with complication I always remind myself that I am not's proof!  I found this on someone else's blog:

"Dear future love,
I’m waiting for you, trusting that you will find me without losing your way. I don’t know your name. I don’t know your face. All I know is that someday our paths will cross; you will stumble into my life or I into yours, and life will seem just a little bit brighter. I wish I knew who to look for. What if I let you pass without saying a word? No, I don’t think I will. Somehow I will know.

I hope you can look past my many flaws. I hope you will forgive me for the things I have done. And most of all, I hope that you do not take too long getting here. I know you are on your way, whether you know it or not. But I don’t think I can wait much longer.


Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Last Lecture

One of my resolutions for the new year, a.k.a. "Refine 2009", is to read a new book each month.  I'd actually like to read more than that but baby steps first, right?  So far, I've only decided on January's pick; The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch.  I think it's a very fitting choice to help kick-start my mission... 

"An entire book of living-life-to-the-fullest advice from a college professor sounds about as inviting as a 20-page term paper.  But Pausch, a Carnegie Mellon computer science prof diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in '06, is so earnest and funny that you'd let him teach you anything.  Among his tips: Respect your childhood dreams, remember to laugh and appreciate the gifts you receive.  The author -who died in July- is one of them." -People Magazine
I'll be sure to post my thoughts on the book once I start it in a few days!

18 Reasons to Have SEX

click this blog's title for the link from Women's Health!    i.n.t.e.r.e.s.t.i.n.g.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Ginger Tea!

I knew it.  I just knew this was coming.  I've recently been stressed out with work and my body always responds to stress by coming down with a fever, catching a cold and even breaking out with Shingles!  I began to feel under the weather yesterday and woke up this morning with definite symptoms.  Instead of the usual DENIAL that I go into, I accepted my current state and decided to take matters into my own hands by fighting it off!  

Plan of attack:
*Drink PLENTY of water...more than 8 glasses a day.
*Load up on Vitamin C!  (pills and oranges for me)
*Avoid dairy and sugar/sweeets
*REST!!!  this one is important and is usually the most neglected step.
*Chicken soup :)  Yes, I know it has no cure/healing ingredients but it helps soothe your throat and warm you up!
*Homemade Ginger Tea!

Ginger Tea:

1. Boil 1 1/2 cups water in a sauce pan
2. Add thinly sliced ginger to boiling water (1 1/2-2 inch piece)
3. Let boil/simmer for 10-15 minutes
4. Strain ginger before pouring into a cup
5. Add lemon and honey for taste

*This tea has a kick to it, so you may need to adjust the amounts to satisfy your taste!

   Ginger is known for its medicinal properties and healing powers.  It stimulates digestion and boosts circulation, respiration and nervous system function.  It eases congestion in the throat and lungs, relieving symptoms of cold and flu and helps alleviate menstrual discomfort.  It's also believed to help stop migraine pain before it starts.

So...drink a cup and call me in the morning =)

In Heavy Rotation

this is what a MISTY sounds like.  Well recently anyway, mostly on those mellow days, when the only feelings sure to stay, are those painted with shades of gray.

1.Kings of Leon - Closer
2.Band Of Horses - The Funeral
3.The Sundays - Wild Horses
4.Sick Puppies - All The Same
5.Three Days Grace - Over and Over
6.Frou Frou - Let Go
7.Kings of Leon - Use Somebody
8.cary brothers - blue eyes
9.Sia - Breathe Me
10.Unwritten Law - Elva (Live)
11.Mazzy Star - Fade Into You
12.Nada Surf - Always Love
13.Des'ree - Kissing You
14.Sick Puppies - My World
15.Dido -Here With Me 
16.Shiny Toy Guns - Starts With One
17.Ingrid Michaelson - Die Alone
18.- Citizen Cope Sideways
19.Natalie Walker - Urban Angel
20.Dierks Bentley - Long Trip Alone
21.Death Cab For Cutie - I Will Follow You Into the Dark
22.Paramore - Decode
23.The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus - Your Guardian Angel
24.Gwen Stefani - 4 In The Morning
25.Coldplay - Warning Sign
26.Cat Power- Sea of Love
27.Death Cab For Cutie- Someday You Will Be Loved