It was one year ago on June 1, 2008 that I attended San Diego's Rock n' Roll marathon as a supporter for 3 friends of mine who were running it. It was also one year ago on June 1, 2008 that I had decided to run in that marathon the following year. Thousands of people filled downtown San Diego as runners and supporters on the big day. The positivity, smiles and cheers that surrounded the race were pretty overwhelming. I was so moved to see such dedication and determination on the runners' faces and such pride and encouragement from their friends and family. I remember thinking how cool it was to be a small part of that for my friends. I knew I had to come back again as a participant and not just a spectator.

So the training began. Well, not immediately. I didn't actually purchase my way in until January 2009. Once a monetary transaction had been made, it became more definite and final. I had to kick it into gear. I started running more on my treadmill and as I gained more endurance I relocated to the Rose Bowl and would run one lap (3 miles) around the golf course nearly everyday. Eventually, with the help of my friend Alain, I began to run a minimum of 6 miles (2 laps) everyday. To give myself a better feel of what was yet to come, I ran HALF (13.1 miles) of Pasadena's 1st annual marathon on March 22, 2009. I didn't stop once and crossed the finish line in 1 hour 59 minutes. Based on this time, I set my goal finish time for the FULL marathon at 4 hours 30 minutes. After a week or so of recovering I started to focus on faster runs and I threw in a few 9 mile runs. Of course, during these months of training I dramatically changed my diet. I hardly consumed alcohol, counted all my calories so that I wouldn't exceed my daily limit, avoided processed foods and sugars and I drank PLENTY of water everyday. I eventually joined 24 Hour Fitness so that I could incorporate weight lifting in my workouts to improve muscle mass and gain strength. Not only was I better preparing myself for the marathon but my health was benefiting, pounds were dropping and my waist was shrinking :)
As time grew nearer to race day, I reserved a room at the DoubleTree hotel in downtown SD which is only about a mile from the starting line and maybe 3 or so from the finish line. I remember traffic being crazy last year as I dropped off my friends as close as I could to the start and I didn't want to deal with that chaos again. I also decided to bring some support of my own so my BFF, Dominic, joined my little adventure. We headed to SD on Friday evening after I got out of work. On the way down I was actually pulled over by the police on the freeway for what I THOUGHT was for speeding. I was told to take the next exit and stop in the middle of the off ramp as the 2 cops got out of their still moving car and charged mine, hands gun ready. As they approached my car and looked in at us we heard one say "negative" and the other laughed as he told us that my car matched the description of a homicide suspect and that we were free to go. I nearly had a heart attack and couldn't shake my nerves for the next 20 minutes. Insane. That night we stayed at one of Dom's friend's place after going out for some tacos and oyster shooters...YUM.
Saturday, we hit up the race expo at the Convention Center in downtown to pick up my race pack, info, shirt and bib number. We also grabbed some free drink and snack samples and I found special running socks that I had been searching for. They're Injinji performance toe-socks, like gloves but on your feet. They prevent toe chafing and blisters from your skin rubbing together and I have to say they made a world of difference during my race. I walked away with NO blisters or skin irritation...unheard of for me. I HIGHLY recommend them to all runners.

That night, Dominic and I were supposed to have a special marathoner's pasta buffet dinner in the hotel's restaurant but we made it too late. This actually worked in our favor because we walked only a few blocks to Little Italy where we only waited 5 minutes to be seated in an outdoor patio and enjoyed the ambiance of a beautiful, relaxing night and a delicious pre-race carb pasta dinner and ended with a fruit tart and cannoli dessert.
The next morning we woke up at 4:30am with only about 4 1/2 hours of sleep. My nerves kicked in as I began to suit up for the race and make it out in time to catch the shuttle to the starting line (which was pulling away from the hotel as we walked out the door and had to chase down!). My frantic morning routine consisted of freaking out over my running tank top being too big (because i didn't try it on when I bought it), taking my over sized (medium) official race shirt and tying a knot in the back to make it fit tighter, applying body glide on any skin surface that had the potential to chafe (under entire sports bra, under arms, on armpits, under iPod arm band), pinning my bib on the front of my shirt and trying to braid my hair and bobby pin it together...all the while Dom is patiently following me with my water bottle that I keep misplacing to keep me hydrated and with pretzels that he's hand-feeding me so that the salt retains the water I've been drinking. Thanks Coach Dominic!

Upon arrival at the starting line block, we picked up some complimentary bananas, water and mini bagels and stretched. I really didn't eat much before the race which is a no-no. The 20,000 runners and I began the race at 6:30am. I was so excited! I had so many thoughts and emotions hitting me at once...I became teary-eyed a few times during the first few miles just over the fact that I was doing something I set out to do a year prior and had been preparing for over the last few months. I had barely even begun and already I was so proud of myself and of the thousands of other men and women of different sizes, shapes, color and age...all coming together to make it happen. Along the way I saw a lot of men run off the route to pee on a tree or in a bush (in clear view) and even saw a few women pop a squat that couldn't hold it or didn't want to wait in the lines for the porta-potties. There were hundreds of people along the route cheering us and their loved ones on, shouting words of encouragement and holding up signs with clever messages. High school cheerleaders gave spirit along the course, too. At every mile or so, local bands were set up on small stages rocking out and keeping our feet moving. Runners would shout and cheer as we ran by. I saw a few people running the marathon barefoot, one girl was practically naked in some barely there booty shorts and sports bra, and many Elvis runners rocked there way through, too. At one point, the race route brought us onto the 163 freeway which was pretty crazy. Because there were so many sights and sounds to keep my attention I remember the first 6-8 miles going by so quickly. At mile 13 I remember thinking how great I still felt, much better to how I felt at the end of my half marathon back in March. I still had not stopped once.

During all of this, Dominic is skating around town with a map of the route trying to figure out at what time I'll be at which mile so he can cheer me on as I pass. He did see me at mile 9 but I was on the opposite side of the street and probably had my music up on my headphones so unfortunately I didn't see him. I was able to keep my energy constant by grabbing water AND Cytomax cups (performance drink that sustains electrolytes) at designated stands along the way. I also brought 4 PowerBar gel packs (Chocolate flavor) to swallow starting at mile 10 and then one every 4 miles after that. Finally, at mile 24 I saw Dominic and his friend Paul! They skateboarded along side me for a few minutes to check in on how I was doing and to encourage me to keep it up. Dominic was surprised to see how strong I still was at this point. I was keeping a steady pace and was passing up a lot of the others around me. I was surprised myself, but I had found my zone at the starting line and didn't stray from it once. Seeing the guys really gave me a final boost of motivation to pick up the pace and carry out the last 2 miles and across THE finish line. I had just run 26.2 miles without stopping once in 2 hours 26 minutes...4 minutes faster than my set goal time! I was covered in sweat, not an inch of me was dry. I received a medal, a cold wet cloth, and free food (fruit cups, banana, apple, chocolate milk, water).

I waited a while in the family reunion area for Dom and Paul. I was so sore, I could barely squat to sit down on the grass. All the runners also received 2 free cups of BEER! I had one and gave the other to Coach Dom. I have to say, that was the best beer I'd ever tasted :) Paul dropped us off at the hotel so that we could pack up and so that I could shower. I have to say, that was the best shower I've ever had. We headed back to Ocean Beach to chill and have burgers at Paul's. I have to say, that was the best cheeseburger I'd ever tasted. We went into a food coma and napped on the couch for a few hours before heading back to LA. I remember Dominic would every now and again randomly say, "uh, you just ran a MARATHON!"...haha. YES I DID! =) We were both very proud of me and my accomplishment. I'm very thankful for Paul's hospitality in letting us stay at his place and for joining Dom to support me at the race. I'm also very thankful and appreciative for Dominic's support not only AT the race, skating at least 5 miles that day trying to track me down and providing moral support over the weekend...but also months and weeks leading to race day, by keeping me in check with my workouts and making sure I was running as much as I should be. He knew how important this was to me and wanted to make sure I was as prepared as I could be. You played an important role in helping me achieve this major goal. Many many thank you's =) Take some time off, coach, before I initiate training for NEXT year's marathon! Yes, that's right...I'm running this bad boy AGAIN...with a faster goal time and an experienced supporter! ;) I now get to cross off another goal from my life list...and THAT is how it's done.