So after contemplating a few ideas for New Year's (Tahoe, Big Bear, San Diego) we finally decided on accepting our friends Jon & Noelle's invite to the desert. They rented an RV and we headed to Dove Springs on Wednesday night along with their baby, Chase and their dog, Zoe and Dom's pup, Roxi. A huge group was to be expected and they all showed up randomly on different days. This was my FIRST desert camping experience and I had a blast. To pass the time, we played horseshoes...another FIRST for me. My arm was sore after a few games.

Staring at baby Chase passed the time, too. I could sit and watch him for hours. I'm pretty sure I did. He's playing with his new Christmas toy that a friend gave him there. Dom spent some time making him smile, too.

Friends, Jesse and Alex playing with their son, Kyle. He's a little firecracker :)

Another FIRST for me was riding a quad. Well, this one is Kyle's quad so it's not as big, but was plenty for me. Noelle borrowed one, too. Later in our trip, I even learned to ride a dirtbike..with a clutch! Sure I only made it to 2nd gear but I did it, thanks to Jean.

Roxi was right by our side (I should say, Dom's side) the whole time. I know she loves me, too but man she's like his shadow. She was freaking out a bunch over the loud sounds of fireworks that the camp would randomly set off. She's so purdy.

Another "fun" way to pass the time is to go off-roading in a Jeep. Dom's a great driver and I trust him, but I was on edge going over bumps, hills and down steep hills. I've tried to drive stick shift a few times before, but Dom really took some time to teach me. We were warned from numerous people at camp to not let your "significant other" teach you drive stick but of course, we didn't listen. Wow, did we have some fights! He'll tell you that he was just fine the whole time and that was all me....but it takes two. His teaching methods and my learning methods aren't exactly in sync. I tried quitting a few times, but he didn't let me. Thanks for the help, Dom. I do appreciate it.

Here are the Florians. Tim and Andrea have been friends of Dom for a long time. Mom and Dad are lots of fun and they have such sweet kids.

There's Dom, fueling the fire. He made it his responsibility to make sure it was going strong for all of our trip.
Great family photo of the Mouldens :) Love that Chase face! ...and his super cool John Deere stroller. I want one.

Dominic is such a great uncle to Chase. He looks so handsome with him in his arms.
What a man. The beard helps the man thing, too ;)

Campers being...campers. Mingling, enjoying each other's company. Hmm...maybe except for the 4 below. Smile??

As the night continues, so did the drinks.

(Top left) That's our campsite on the top of the hill. Pretty big group. (Bottom right) Noelle, Andrea, Mikey and I took the Jeep out for a late night desert romping. Noelle and I took turns driving stick while Andrea instructed us. Whoa, BUMPY ride.

Mikey and I riding in the back of the Jeep. And below, that's Tim giving Mikey the ultimate wedgie. Torn panties! There were a few wrestling matches in the dirt between Tim and...everyone else. Even his wifey :)

We all rung in the new year with the shooting of our roman candles into the sky. Of course, I got a big drunken New Year's make out session from Dom. Haha XO! I had a great 3 1/2 days with my special guy and our friends. I wouldn't have wanted to be anywhere else. It was a perfect way for me to start 2010.