Just a collection of some of my artwork from over the years. Unfortunately, I'm not one of those artists that can use only their imagination as a reference...I have to use actual images to look from and then create.
This kitty goes back to 6th grade I think. It's pencil on canvas...i never did get around to painting it. I was always to afraid I'd mess it up.
Lizards done in charcoal when I was in junior high.
My first official oil painting on canvas. Done in junior high.
I think these penguins were painted in 9th grade as a class assingment.
This was a warm-up assignment from a class at SDSU. Carving from a block of clay...copying an ad from a magazine.
Class assignment from SDSU. I believe the idea was to draw a place that brings you peace. The bathtub is my escape.
A really close copy of Posada's Mexican art. This was an assignment at SDSU and a gift to my mom in honor of El Dia de los Muertos.
This was a weird assignment, so i'm not going to try to explain it. But we did have to take random objects and trace them using different line thicknesses.
My teacher told me that out of all the MANY years he'd been teaching at SDSU, THIS was the best result he's seen from this assingment. Sweet! It was a group project and there were 4 of us (including the dancer) and we each had a portion of her portrait that we were responsible for recreating using only dots, hatch marks, squiggly lines...etc...no actual hard lines.
Dyptich assignment that I based off one of my favorite songs and artists. No Woman No Cry by Bob Marley. Gift to my brother, hangs on his bedroom wall.
SDSU assignment, inspired by the work of Chuck Close. All the colors were handmixed by me and pieces were individually painted. Up close, it seems more like a puzzle. The farther back you stand, the more whole it seems.
A small charcoal drawing I've started. It's still unfinished.
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