Once we were done at the REI used sale, we headed out to camp for the night at Lake Casitas. My brother was participating in a disc golf tournament that was held on the campgrounds so we met him and his friend at their campsite. Dom and I got to break in our new backpacks, too. We packed as if we were heading out on an overnight hike and for the most part, only took with us what we could carry on our backs. We took clothing, toiletries, food (MRE's, like sweet and sour chicken, spinach omelette, blueberry cobbler...), first aid, our new mummy bags and we cheated a little by taking a cooler of beer since we had the truck (and slept in the bed of it). I've never packed that light for anything, so I was pretty pleased with myself for pulling it off.

Since the disc golf tournament took place throughout the campsite, disc golfers were everywhere. My brother won 1st place for his division..which i think is 2 before pro. He got a pretty sweet handmade trophy.

The lake was gorgeous, too. I'd definitely go back for a weekend camping trip. Roxi got to REALLY enjoy the lake by getting some swim time and playing fetch in the water.

She's awesome. Seeeee....
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