Christmas is here! The presents have finally been purchased, wrapped and are under the tree and everyone I love is in the same room waiting to share and create some new and lasting memories together. Before opening gifts, we had our traditional family breakfast. Michael, my stepdad, used to be a gourmet chef and he made us Eggs Benedict from scratch along with sausage and potatoes. We filled our bellies and sat around the tree to start the gift giving. My mom took her usual position as the passer-outer. Everyone got something they wanted, and a few "hmm's." From my family, I got a gift card to Urban Outfitters (my fave store), Sport Chalet, a Spa gift certificate, a month of tanning at the salon, movie tickets and a big cupcake and cookie carrier! Dominic gave me a subscription to a photography magazine and $200 towards my new camera! He gave me a pretty heavy Baking cookbook with really great recipes (one of which caught his eye, so he bookmarked it for me with a cute note). I found another sweet little note on the inside of the cover, too :) He also got me some LED flashing lights to wear when I run at night along with some reflective first :) Thank you, thank you, sweets!

(just the guys)
Then it was off to Dominic's home for Christmas, continued. I made it just in time to open gifts with his father, sister, brother-in-law, and Roxi. Dominic decorated this lemon tree with lights and put gifts under it and surprised his sister by giving the tree to her as a gift. I wrapped a big doggy bed from Costco in a bunch of newspaper and tape and had Roxi open it herself! It's much softer and fluffier than the last. In all the opening excitement, she bonked Dom in the face and gave him a busted lip. Oops.

We were all enjoying each other's company and lost track of time, creating a bit of a rush in the kitchen to get the food cooked in time for the rest of his family that was on their way over. I made a new recipe of macaroni and cheese from scratch (with sun dried tomatoes) and a Caesar salad. Dominic grilled a few types of really tasty sausage, his dad made ham, his sister made an amazing broccoli souffle, there were sweet potatoes with marshmallows, rolls, green jello and pie. Dominic's best friend, Paul (aka Hippo) also came over for Christmas dinner along with his new puppy, Oliver. They both stayed the night. He and Dom made their traditional Bloody Marys...and by traditional I mean, every time they see each other.
The food was great and I stayed around at the dinner table to chat with Dominic's family, which are over the age of 60. I like listening to conversations had by people that have so many years of life and experiences and who have become so blatantly honest over time. You can really pick up some good advice and words of wisdom. One aunt was so honest she flat out told me that out of the other girls Dominic has brought around them, I am the BEST because I'm friendly, talkative, I help around the kitchen and contribute meals and a good presence. Thanks Aunt Kay. I told her I appreciated her honest words. I also told her that Dominic knows it, too ;)
Dominic, Paul and I spent the rest of the evening playing the game Outburst. Each person is given a topic like "things found in a briefcase" and you have 30 seconds on the clock to name off as many items that are listed on the card. Whoever has the most points at the end of the game, wins. We were all surprised at how much fun we had playing, and at how long it actually lasted (hours!). Dominic and I tied for first...but he was also scorekeeper so some "fuzzy math" may have been to blame ;)
Christmas was really special this year.
Video of Roxi opening her gift from me :)
And no, we're not returning it...she likes it!