A BIG purchase deserves big font ;)
I finally bought it, I finally bought a decent camera! This has been on my shopping list for quite some time and yesterday I crossed it off that list, with a big help from and thank you to Dominic for contributing to the fund and for going with me to pick it out. I also used some Christmas cash from Dom's sister/brother-in-law and my aunt and uncle. Thanks everyone :)
Our original plan was to have a HaPpY day at Disneyland, but Dominic is under the weather and we weren't sure if it was the best idea. We ended up deciding to go for it much later than we should, and after spending over an hour on the road and almost an hour in line to get into the parking structure, we come to find out by the parking payment guy that Disneyland had SOLD OUT!!! WHAT?? I didn't even know that was possible. We were so bummed :( We're trying to make it there in time to see their Christmas set up and it ends on Jan. 3. We're heading out tonight or tomorrow morning to the desert for New Year's (Dove Springs) with a big group of people and if we're up to it when we get back in a few days, we'll try on Sunday.

We managed to ease our Disneyland's-sold-out-blues with a yummy lunch at BJ's and then a little shopping trip at REI. We both left with a small bag full of merch, some for our very cold, upcoming trip to the desert. I knew REI would lift Dom's spirits, just like he knew camera shopping would lift mine. Now all that's left is to buy a camera bag to carry all the gear, along with the SECOND lens I bought (Nikkor 55-200mm). We'll be returning home with some great pictures!

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