2 weeks ago I had my spring break...a week off from work...sooooo.....
Oooohhhh my FIRST trip to the "river." It was...awesome. Our friend Mikey's dad was renting this little river rental for the weekend and Dom and I were invited to party :) Dom and I had to leave town after he was through with work on Thursday evening and we didn't get there until around midnight I think. Of course, people were still up having drinks. We slept in the same room as Mikey and his brother Johnny. Mikey SNORES...is an understatement. That guy growls, gurgles, chokes, talks, mumbles, saws logs, calls out to grizzlys...oh man it's loud. Earplugs helped a little, but after the first night Dom and I decided to camp out with an air mattress in the back of his truck for the next two.

We started off our Friday morning with Dominic's tastey Bloody Marys. I can honestly say I haven't had any better :)

After spending some time lounging, relaxing, and playing with the dogs we all loaded on a few boats to head out on the water. Dominic's neighbors were staying with their good friends at their river home and I believe there were 2 other homes of people that were part of our big group, too that went out with us. I know a few of them from high school and mutual friends. Roxi even joined our boat ride...she wanted to be in the picture (or just come over to mama).

What can I say, Dom just makes my hair stand on end :) Blah blah, ya ya windy boat ride, ok.

The sexy Captain and their firstmate....but...which one is which???? ;)

A BOAT LOAD of fun right there. We're stoked that we're almost to our destination....

The famous RoadRunner!!!


This is one of about 7 pics that Mikey took of us.

Part of the group...complete with RoadRapers :)

Another group shot. This is about the time of day when I start losing a little of my memory. I don't remember much of our first trip at RoadRunner's.

I definitely don't remember the Steve Sandwich.

And here we have Dommer, the Cherry Bomber! This guy was all about Cherry Bombs (cherries soaked in some crazy alcohol...Everclear maybe??).

He was poppin' em in everyone's mouth. I have lots of other random pics where you can see him in the background, feeding them to anyone around. Looks can be deceiving...I do NOT like them cherries!

Mikey and I..right before heading back home.

Steve...coooool hat!

We're definitely buzzin' and lovin'....yup, we were all sorts of yummy.

That night Dom and I passed out so EARLY...around 9:30pm. We were out. I guess a bunch of the group headed to the casino on the water and partied til late. This is the next day on the water...and another trip to RoadRunner's for lunch and of course more boozin'.

On the way back, Johnny and Heather took a dive. He mooned us and she flashed on the way down. Pretty funny. I'm so jumping next trip.

Beautiful evening.

Late Saturday night, we all headed out for a midnight boat ride to RoadRunner's again, had more RoadRapers and Cherry Bombs. Then we all went to the casino. I lost like $20 or $40 and I think Dom lost some, too.
Overall, what a great trip. The only complaint was that it could have been a little warmer. It was nice, but enough to really give a nasty sunburn. I came home with color, Dom just a little. We had so much fun together, with no issues or drama...just straight up smilin'. On the way home we stopped by a local cafe for breakfast, then stopped by Casino Morongo with Mikey and Johnny where Dom scored like $120 from Blackjack. Way to go. It was a long drive home, but worth it. I want to go back....like now :)