Here is the project my 2nd graders did for their Easter project. We painted an "artistic sky" with acrylics on canvas and then painted blue flowers along with white "highlights." Even thought everyond did the same project, they all came out with a different personality :)
I also started my famous clay handprints with my 4 year olds. This is just the beginning stage. These take a lot of work, 2 trips into the kiln and 3 coats of glaze on all 40 of them. They will be finished just in time for their Mother's Day gift.
The day beofre Easter, Dominic and I went to a nursery to buy some flowers. He wanted to plant them and beautify his garden before Easter guests arrive the next day. I love his GREEN THUMB :) ...AND the work, heart and patience he puts into his garden that he created from scratch...with his own two hands.
And wherever Dominic is, Roxi isn't too far away :)
After I left Farmer Dom's, I headed straight home to make these Easter-Chick-Butter-Sugar-Cookie-Eggs. What? I was really happy with the blue and yellow icing I painted on, but I was in such a rush to finish and it was already about 9pm that I just plopped on chocolate chip eyes (which I think are far too big for their owls) and squeezed on orange beaks with vanilla frosting. They look a little silly, but tasted great and Dominic's family loved them :) A few of them also made their way into the Easter basket I made for Dominic and for his dad. Roxi even had an egg in there (full of dog treats).
Then, it was a ham and sausage Easter dinner (at 3pm) at Dominic's house. There were 11 of us along with the really good food I've come to love and expect from such a great group of people. I think the sweet potatoes are my favorite dish. There were a lot of great conversations flying across the table, it's hard to choose just ONE to follow. Some might find it offensive, but I appreciate how they all speak their mind and tell you their honest truth..and some even get into debates over differing views, lifestyles and opinions. At some point during all of this, there was a 7.2 earthquake right across the border into Mexico. People in the neighborhood felt it here, but since we were all deep in conversation, none of us did. The rest of the evening was spent relaxing and cuddling...perfect way to end any day.
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