In Vegas last weekend, I was introduced (by my cousin, Darci) to possibly the greatest game ever! (well, at least when you're in a hotel room). Basically, you turn out ALL the lights in your hotel room and you must have 2 beds. One (or more) person/s stands on the farther bed while the photographer crouches down low in front of the other bed. On the count of 3, the bed jumper leaps blindly into the air and bellyflops onto the bed towards the camera and a picture is snapped mid-air! The facial expressions are priceless and so are all the laughs that come from it.
My first jump....

and the second...

We somehow managed to convince my MOM to jump. She ended up ripping her dress across the front and had to change.

My cousin Sam's turn. Ha!

My cousin Darci gets major air. Obviously it's not her first time :)

Darci and her momma (Aunt)..who's 60!

This was too much fun. I'm getting double beds from now on when booking hotel rooms. Night Flight is a must.
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