...for 6 weeks of butt-kicking workouts. West Coast Boot Camp by my house was having a super duper deal going from $499 to $199 for their 6-week program. About 7 or so other friends and co-workers of mine jumped on the bandwagon, too. We'll be up with the sun to start sweating at 5:30am every week day and I'm more than thrilled about it. No, really...I can't wait. I love early morning workouts, and usually mine begin around 5am so I'm totally cool with this.
A little getaway is already in the works to celebrate our hard work at the end...and of course our new and slimmer shape :) So what better place to do that than in Vegas, right?? Girls' weekend in Vegas = trouble...or so I've been told by my concerned man-friend. Haha. He's got nothin' to worry about. Anyways, we start after the holiday on Tuesday the 8th. Woohoo

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