Because of the heat, we showed up mid-afternoon on Saturday and just chilled in the hotel until the rest of the girls got there. Heidi and I had an interesting time trying to make peanut butter sandwiches without a knife (so we used the handle of her hair brush) and cutting a lime for our coronas (using mini scissors and then upgraded to a small swiss army knife)...and of course engaging in some serious girl talk.

Overall, Saturday night was pretty fun...from what Heidi and I remember. We were movin' and groovin' around the stadium checking out vendors and other sights to see. After cabbing it back to the hotel, we had a 2am mission to find a Denny's. I had the bright idea to attempt to climb and hop over an 8 foot wall so that I wouldn't have to walk around the block...shortest distance would have been in a straight line right over that wall. Well, of course once i got to the top of the wall it was a much further drop on the other side....and yes, I fell right off into a bush. The best part was that the wall wasn't very long...there wasn't much of it to walk around in the first place, so Heidi just strolled right around it to make sure I was ok. We never made it to Denny's.

We also remember some pool time fun. I believe we snuck into the jacuzzi where a few of the ladies decided to remove some articles of clothing. Soon after that, the pool lights came on. Hmm....coincidence?? Doubtful.

Before getting into bed, some of the other girls hung out in our hotel room. I guess I had been on the phone all night with my guy (which I don't remember) so without me even realizing it, Kerry decided to spread peanut butter all over my arm and shoulder. Without these pictures I would have never known =)

The next morning, I woke up to a disastrous room, the spins, a throbbing head, a swollen ankle and scratches down my leg...and no real recollection of most of the night. As Heidi and I tried to put the pieces together, I looked through my blackberry messenger and found some pretty funny messages to my man. Wow, my phone really should have been OFF LIMITS that night! Sorry Dom, I'm a handful. Next time all the gals and I get together again, I plan to have a little more control over the night...but none the less, I had a great time and I'm glad I joined in on all the country music mayhem :)

Thanks, Heidi!
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