Just a few pics of Roxi having playtime in my backyard a few weeks ago. I had JUST bought her a new toy/frisbee at Petco, along with a goody bag of doggy treats. Look at that SMILE!!! She's pretty special :)
...ha, i triple-dog-dare you. Oh, so you're still in? Great, well how about an introduction. I'm Misty, a creative and fun-loving 28 year old art teacher, living my days out in southern California. Just like life, I'm random...and so is this blog. I like to think of it being similar to one of those hole-in-the-wall joints that sells Chinese food and Donuts...one has nothing to do with the other, but for some reason it just makes sense being all under the same roof . You'll come accross anything from art project ideas for kids, favorite hiking trails, camping stories, nutrition info, recipes, recommendations, travel adventures, my artwork, my photography...to stuff that I just think is neato! I hope that my visitors leave here with a new idea, an inspiration, or at the very least, a SMILE.
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