My friends Nichole and Rikki (sisters) rented a beach house in Mission Beach, San Diego for an entire week in celebration of their birthdays coming up. Kasia and I headed down last Thursday until Sunday (Kasia left Saturday morning). Here it is! And most of our group relaxing on our deck :)

Kasia and I went out Thursday night along with Steve (my boo), Jason (my bff), his friend Gabe and Art (my good friend). We started off with beers and shots at the Coaster in MB and then headed to Miller Field in PB. Our group split because Art could only get Kasia and I in without getting in line, so the guys didn't want to wait (a whole 15-20 min) and went to another bar. We rode the bull, which was my FIRST time on one. It had a dumb plastic mat on it, which made it super slippery and every person's attempt lasted a whole 15 seconds...they'd slip right off.

We walked back to the beach house after last call...DRUNK. We were all over the place. When we got back, Art aka spider monkey decided to run up the side of our wall. Getting back down was harder than it looked I guess, and after denying Jason's help Art crashed and sprained his ankle! I tried to play nurse by getting ice. None of us knew he was actually injured until the next day because we were all laughing about it. Well, not everyone. Nichole came out of the house yelling and bitching us out because we were waking up the entire house(about 9 people) Oops.

The next morning, Steve woke up next to me on the air mattress (jacked Kasia's spot) in his chonies and did a little dance for the early runners. This is why we love him.

Our whole group went to La Heina's for breakfast. It's a restaurant/bar right on the boardwalk. Nothing like patio seating in the morning, enjoying the beach view with a bloody mary in hand. Here is Steve and I before heading on over :) Mornings were chilly and cloudy.

Friday was my favorite day. We were all in our best form...taking down multiple jello shots, drinking and shotgunning beers, dancing on our deck, and dancing on the boardwalk. We're a good time and come with complimentary're welcome :)

Jason was super stoked to be wearing these board shorts, disguised as jean shorts! my favorite pic from the whole weekend. Steve's shorts are part of the reason ;)

Starting to wind down a little...caught in thought. Prepping for my second wind maybe :)

Here's the NIGHT view of our beach house from the boardwalk. The windows are tinted and we can see out/you can't see in during the day...and at night EVERYBODY can see EVERYTHING inside! No curtains, just us :)

Me and my boo :) Getting ready for a Friday night out.

As soon as our BIG party walked into the Shore Club, Steve ordered a round of shots...14 red headed sluts! Yummm...I had 3 I think :) This was pretty much an awesome night. Kasia, Jason and I decided to leave here at the end of the night and head to Jonny V's for some dancing.

Here's to ANOTHER crazy walk home! This is why Jason is my favorite. He is just plain nutty...and full of surprises. I guess he was feeling extra strong..or maybe Kasia gave him some lip and he was teaching her a lesson. Either way... was hilarious! I'm surprised with all our yelling that no one came out to see what was up. But I guess in SD by the beach, they're used to that.

The only pic I have from Saturday day is the gorgeous sunset.

My first FLAMbongo! I took it like a champ :) Me and that bird were all sorts of makey-outy.

..until it tried getting fresh with me, moving too fast! Haha, love that face.

After some pre-gaming it at the house, we ended up at the Firehouse..and then later at Miller Field.

Woohoo for San Diego! Love it, miss it. I've got an offer to move back...possibly with free rent! Hmm...something to think about. Not yet, head might pop. For now, little visits do the trick :)
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