Last week, I did something that I have always wanted to do, but have felt a little unsure and nervous about doing. I went on a hike all by myself. It's a little different for females to go out and do things like this without having a little concern for our safety, whether it's fear of wild animals or harmful people. Anyways, I have hiked Eaton Canyon to the waterfall numerous times and I decided to take MYSELF for a little hike.
It was much more pleasurable than I had thought it would be. It felt nice to get away from everyone and my life for a few hours and just be out on my own, with fresh air, sunshine, nature and ME. I think it's so important to be comfortable with ourselves, enough to be alone, to do things alone and to be able to keep OURSELVES company and entertained. When it comes down to it, I'm my own best why not do something nice for myself? It was very refreshing. Don't get me wrong, I do love the company of a good friend. It's just sometimes, we need to reconnect with our soul and spirit without distractions and make ourselves the priority for once, instead of others.
I LOVE having water resistant hiking boots. Yes, they give me gnarly blisters on my heels if I don't bandage them up properly before the hike, but they allow me to tread on pretty much any terrain out there :) I've gotten used to looking like a lesbian in them.
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