Friday was the LAST DAY of the school year (like I've said before) and we had our annual PaRtY dAy!!! We rent big bounce houses, have video games (rock band) set up in class rooms, and more activities set up down at the field. We also have a ton of food that the parents bring in for everyone to eat.

I took my usual place in the crafts room to face paint along with Miss Kathy and Miss Audrey. The theme this year was Hawaiin luau...which explains the Hibiscus flowers :) These are just a few that I did...our lines were LONG so many of them are a little rushed. We sat there for 4 hours doing this! Our backs were a little sore, but the kids LOVED their face art!

One of my student's mom asked me to take a picture with her kids, of course I agreed. While I was setting them up on my lap and posing with a great big smile for the picture, another student of mine (7 years old) was sitting nearby and studying my face. After the picture was taken, she says to me, "Wow, Miss Misty, you look REALLY pretty when you smile." She smiled real big when she said it, and seemed to be seeing me in a new light. I loved how honest and genuine and sweet she was. That comment made me feel really good, and made me think I should wear a smile more often. Thanks, Sophia :)
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