My friend, Heather, has organized a new year challenge for all who are interested in participating. It's a weight loss challenge inspired by the show, The Biggest Loser. It's THE greatest show on my opinion. This season has the biggest contestants in history and they've added a few new twists to make things a little more interesting. The new season started yesterday, and just in time to motivate me to get my ass in gear...literally. I haven't missed an episode over the past few seasons. Actually, I really want to buy the first few seasons on DVD since I was a little late jumping on the bandwagon. I'm always so pumped to work off calories after each show I watch. Watching last night was the reason I was able to roll out of bed this morning at 5am and run 3 miles. Everytime I'm too close to backing out and being lazy, I visualize all of those obese people who are biting the bullet and pushing themselves to their limits. If they can do it, I can do it. I also picture these 2 old men (60s) that walk around the Rose Bowl (3 miles) around 4 or 5 am, like 3 times everyday! If THEY can do it, I can do it. People inspire me. I want to inspire people, too.

LUCK!! Lots of luck. What an amazing idea.
THANK YOU!!! Not my idea, but I'm so glad to be a part of it! I appreciate the support =)
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