Monday, January 19, 2009


This video is intended only for those who need a good laugh.  
No, a really good laugh.  This is so ridiculous that I cried a 
little from laughing so hard. I breathe easier knowing that 
there are actually people out there in our world like him...just 
like him! It's fascinating how diverse people are...and how 
they come to be. It makes me wonder what kind of children 
I will have, and after raising them, what kind of adults they will 
grow to be. Will they be like this man? I wonder what MY mom 
dreamed I'd be like when she had me 26 years ago. I wonder if
the laughing yoga man's parents had ever expected their son to
become...well...this. =)

This also reminds me of the scene in Mary Poppins where they're all floating towards the ceiling from laughing so hard.  Ahhh it's great.