I can't believe it's been 5 years since I have made a greeting card! My friend, Alain, came over to my house last night until around 2am to make some cards with me. He made a really funny one for my brother and we left it in the bathroom for him to find this morning. Anyways, I dug all these out of my craft drawers in the garage; the back are signed by me and dated 2003. I also used to scrapbook way back when and make quilts, too.

The inside of some of these cards are decorated as well with maybe a border.

All of them are hand made by me! Some have my drawings and others use stickers.

Not all the ideas are 100% mine. I looked through craft magazines to find inspiration.

They also come with an envelope.

I only have singles. None have been duplicated.

I plan to get back into this more this year! I've got a serious crafty side to me, and it's time for me to get in touch with it again...wake it up! More cards, more scrapbooking, more quilts and more painting!
Who knows, maybe i'll try and make some money off of these some day. For now, their sole purpose is for me to put a smile on a friend or family member's face...to let people I care about know that I'm thinking of them =)
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