Two weekends ago, Dominic's family had their annual picnic at a nearby park. Everyone was assigned an item or a dish to bring to provide enough food to eat. Pot Luck style is always the way to go :) It was a really nice day, Sunday, and the turnout was great. I got to meet quite a few members of his family that I haven't met before. I also got to spend time with a few of my favorites who I haven't seen since Easter, I think. They're such great people...and they like me :)
Dom made shish-kabobs..delicious. I made a non-traditional potato salad with a yogurt base, rather than mayo. It had asparagus, bacon, capers and artichoke hearts, too.
No, really....we passed out. I was super tired, full and dehydrated after this and the long night before of preparing the food. Til next year...
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