I celebrated 4th of July weekend at the lake..in the sun..with good people, food and drinks ;) Dominic and I were invited to ride out and stay with Jon and Noelle (and baby Chase) in Jon's parents' motorhome. Their friend, Aron, joined the group, too. We got to our campsite pretty late on Thursday night and parked right next to more of their friends, Tim and Andrea and kids :) Little man Chase knew how to get the party started the next morning.

Chase fell asleep every time he stepped foot on the boat. Aron held onto him for a pretty long time that afternoon. Chase got a lot of cuddlin' that weekend :)

Kickin' back in the love boat.

Rock jumping was part of the agenda, of course.

A little word to the wise, DO NOT ride one of these things with 3 people. These kids WERE having fun, until the 2 on the left bonked heads and came into the boat sobbing. OUCH.

Noelle and I had a blast riding together. We rode it 4 times until we had enough. I'm not sure what we talked about, but we had some long conversation during the crazy bumpy ride. And when you can't throw your hands up in the air, your legs will do just fine.

Tim was trying to get the message across that his wifey was driving the boat too slow....until he flew off ;)

Tim and Aron were laughing hysterically on that thing until...BAM!

I was the first one to attempt wakeboarding. It was only my 3rd time in my life trying. My 2nd time, I got up for maybe 5 seconds...and this day, the same story. I was buzzing pretty good so that didn't help, and my wrist and hands were hurting. I get so frustrated when I don't do something well...but I'll get it one day, I know it :)

Jon didn't have a problem getting up, and made it look so easy (top left). Aaron (top right) did really well, too. Noelle (bottom left) got up a few times and mostly hung out in the wake, but ventured outside it a few times. Andrea (bottom right) did great, and finally has picture proof that she CAN wakeboard :)

Tim, on the other hand, owned it.

Don't underestimate the important job of "flag guy/girl"...we make it look good.

We like Eminem. Haaa :)

Dom's a pro "prop checker"...and handsome, too

Look at all that Moulden lovin'

He's so SWEET!

Friends, Carlos and Karen, cruised the lake with us (on the left) with some of their friends...and Tim & crew (on the right) are just plain sexy.

While the grown ups are away, the kids will play...dogs will fetch. Dom was nice enough to supervise the kids while everyone except us went on one last boat ride on Sunday.

Boys will be boys. Chase was thoroughly enjoying himself in some mud :)

Stairs are no match for this little guy. "Ball...ball...ball...ball..."

Oh the joys of motherhood. Poop-on-a-thumb :(

We all had a great time camping at the lake together, and made it home in the early evening. I had to rush home to get ready for my family's annual BBQ and Dom came over as soon as he helped unload and showered.
I had family (aunts and uncles) over and my stepdad made homemade gazpacho and jumbalaya and some fruit and cream dessert. Afterward, I cuddled up next to Dom and we all watched the fireworks in my backyard :) It was quite a special night. Happy 4th of July!
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