Monday, July 26, 2010

Mini-golf is big when it's free :)

Saturday started with watching my brother's soccer game. Oh i miss playing :(
After, lunch at the new Panera Bread in first time at one. It was really good, I'll be going back again.
And to Mountasia Family Fun Center in Santa Clarita!!! I have about 9 coupons that get me "plus 3 other friends" a free game of mini-golf :) They expire in September so they'll be seeing me again real soon. I went with my good friend Alain, my brother and 2 of his roomates, Dave and Matt :) I had so much fun with these guys..they were crackin' me up all day.
Excited to be out in the low 90s degree weather.
This is Alain's hole-in-one swing. Great form.
Odd siblings
Hanging around these guys makes me feel short. Well, I am.
Here we have another hole-in-one.
Yes...we kept score.
Family photo op =)
Dave knocked the ball off the green too many times to count. Rough
Alain got another hole-in-one on the last hole.
Alain was the official score announcer...Chris and I tied for first place with 53 points. Dang.
It was so hot out and we were all so sweaty, we headed inside the arcade area for ice cream and I downed a root beer float. I haven't had one of those since elementary school. I forgot how AMAZING they are...quenches thirst and takes care of that sweet tooth. Whoever thought of putting ice cream in soda is a genius...makes me wonder what else it will go well with. Hmmm?

While Chris was focused on his shoot em up game, Alain came from behind with a piece of gum and tried shoving it in his mouth without telling him first. Kinda funny.
I didn't know that they had Guitar Hero in arcade game form! Way cool!

Ladies...he's single...and in Law School...eehh???? ;)
It's all about how you ENTER the dance floor
Although I only made 2 baskets....I'm having a grand ol' time :)
Next time I head out there again with "me plus 3 friends" it will be in the evening. And maybe we'll hit up the go-karts, bumper boats, batting cage and laser tag!