Sunday, October 10, 2010

meet my alias, wilderMISS

All week long, I had been looking forward to yesterday (Saturday) morning. The gloomy, wet weather was going to clear and the warm, shining sun would be out and about. What perfect conditions to get out into nature, soak up the sun and breathe in some fresh air. I got up pretty early, dressed in my best hiking attire, taped up my heels with mole skin, laced up my rugged boots, packed my hiking pack with water, a few necessities and food, grabbed my camera (of course), put on a smile and drove (by myself) to the Big Santa Anita Canyon Loop trail. The parking lot for this popular hiking spot fills up fast, and sure enough, it was packed when I arrived at 8:10am. I had to park about a 3/4 mile down the road from where the trail even started. I could have easily turned around and went home, but I was determined to do this so I wasn't going to let anything turn me away.

I'm all smiles at the beginning of the trail. I made sure to have stopped at the little store they have by the entrance for a map of the trail. At the beginning of my mini-adventure, I had to snap a pic of myself with my favorite sign I've come across. I think I've mentioned this sign in a previous post, but I can't stress enough how strongly I agree with the message. It's everything I believe in, and I know it because I live it. I've always been so compellingly drawn to the outdoors and always feel so amazing, humble, peaceful and clear when I surround myself in such a comforting environment.

I stopped for a minute to admire this small and simple bench. I'm such the hopeless romantic, I couldn't help but to imagine all the pairs of souls and hearts that shared this seat and enjoyed the beautiful view seen here. What a great thing to have, a partner to hike through life with. Not just the trails, but the challenges we face everyday :)

I still can't wipe that smile off my face. I was so glad I came.
More sights along the trail. I'd say it's about 90% shaded, which is nice on a warm day. There are many scattered cottages that were built in the early 1900s. Some still stand and others only have chimneys and parts of the foundations left to show for them.
Another hiker in the distance....I'll give you one guess as to what his ethnicity is. Yup, Asian. There were lots of people on the trail and MOST of them were Asian. Something great about hikers is that they all greet everyone they pass with "good morning" and usually a smile. That was nice, I liked doing that.
Last time I did this hike, I headed to Sturtevant Falls. This time, I chose a path I've yet to take. Something different (although I admit I was a bit nervous of the unknown). I took the "Lower Trail" that led to the top of the falls. I had a pretty cool view of it, looking down.
A few parts of the trail were a little rocky and unstable.
The trail followed the water most of the time. Here was another neat spot of a mini waterfall. I love the soothing sound of water. It's relaxing.
It's so pretty when the water is clear and still. I like looking at reflections in it.
A few times during the hike, there were metal arrow signs leading me in the right direction. That's very comforting to have when you're exploring :)
Being by myself, it was a little difficult to get a shot of my hiking gear. You get the idea.

Next time I come back, I'm going to head to the Spruce Group Campground, but this time I decided to head back to the parking lot at Chantry Flat. That's me heading left :)
The artist in me saw this rock formation, or this cliff side and thought..."I wonder if Picasso's CUBISM period was inspired by rocks!?" If you know anything about his art, the Cubism work he created looks so much like this! He would break up a portrait of someone into block/cube like shapes. I was so curious to know if he got these ideas after going on a hike :)
And OOOHHHHH the LEAVES!!! I just love the fall season. The trails were covered with autumn leaves and it made the scenery that much more pleasant for me. This means Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas are near. The holidays have a tendency to bring people together :)
The trail leaves the shade for awhile, heading back. The absence of trees allows for some nice landscape views of the mountains. Once I got closer to the end, I came across a line of burros heading up another trail with supplies packed on them. That was pretty cool to see.
Finally...there's "Lucy"...way way way down the road from the trail. A hiked a total of about 6 miles and i took 3 hours to do it. I felt so amazing and accomplished on my way back. I can't wait to head out on a new trail. I went to REI afterward with a friend and bought a new book of hikes so I can get out there :)
I also bought a new pair of much thicker hiking socks, to hopefully prevent more of THESE dang blisters. I get them almost every time I hike. Hopefully they do the trick.

THANK YOU, Misty...for reminding me how much I love the wilderness... AND taking pictures. You're a pretty rad chick ;) Haaa. Love ya.